
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2020 )

( 2019 )

( 2018 )

( 2017 )


匹配条件: “ Jacobo” ,找到相关结果约326条。
Jacobo Sefamí
Revista Chilena de Literatura , 2004,
Repaso primario y repaso secundario en una prueba de recuerdo libre
Jacobo Fevreiski
Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología , 1982,
Memoria e identidad en la literatura sefardí y mizrahi en Latinoamérica
Sefamí, Jacobo
Sefarad : Revista de Estudios Hebraicos y Sefardíes , 2002,
Abstract: This is the first article that attempts to trace a panoramic view of Sephardi/Mizrahi literature in Latin America. It starts by giving basic information about the migration of these Jewish groups at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Later, it identifies more than twenty writers, and establishes two ways to approach Sephardi/- Mizrahi identity: 1) Reflection and study of the splendor of the Golden Age of Medieval Jewish culture in the Iberian Peninsula; and 2) representations of contemporary Sephardim and Mizrahim. Finally, the article proposes Isaac Chocrón's novel, Rómpase en caso de incendio, as the foundational text for contemporary Sephardi/- Mizrahi literature in Latin America. Este es el primer artículo que intenta trazar un panorama de la literatura sefardí/-mizrahi en América Latina. Tras una información básica sobre la migración de esos grupos judíos a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, se identifica a más de veinte escritores y se plantean dos modos de acercamiento a la identidad sefardí/mizrahi: 1) la reflexión y estudio del esplendor de la edad dorada de la cultura judía medieval; y 2) vivencias de los sefardíes y mizrahis contemporáneos. Finalmente, se considera la novela Rómpase en caso de incendio, de Isaac Chocrón, como el texto fundacional de la literatura sefardí/mizrahi contemporánea en América Latina.
The family index theorem and bifurcation of solutions of nonlinear elliptic bvp
Jacobo Pejsachowicz
Mathematics , 2011,
Abstract: We obtain some new bifurcation criteria for solutions of general boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations. The results are of different nature from the ones that can be obtained via the traditional Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction. Our sufficient conditions for bifurcation are derived from the Atiyah-Singer family index theorem and therefore they depend only on the coefficients of derivatives of leading order of the linearized differential operators. They are computed explicitly from the coefficients without the need of solving the linearized equations. Moreover, they are stable under lower order perturbations.
Bifurcation of Fredholm Maps I; The Index Bundle and Bifurcation
Jacobo Pejsachowicz
Mathematics , 2010,
Abstract: We associate to a parametrized family $f$ of nonlinear Fredholm maps possessing a trivial branch of zeroes an {\it index of bifurcation} $\beta(f)$ which provides an algebraic measure for the number of bifurcation points from the trivial branch. The index $\beta(f)$ is derived from the index bundle of the linearization of the family along the trivial branch by means of the generalized $J$-homomorphism. Using the Agranovich reduction and a cohomological form of the Atiyah-Singer family index theorem, due to Fedosov, we compute the bifurcation index of a multiparameter family of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems from the principal symbol of the linearization along the trivial branch. In this way we obtain criteria for bifurcation of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations which cannot be achieved using the classical Lyapunov-Schmidt method.
Bifurcation of Fredholm Maps II; The Dimension of the Set of Bifurcation Points
Jacobo Pejsachowicz
Mathematics , 2010,
Abstract: We obtain an estimate for the covering dimension of the set of bifurcation points for solutions of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems from the principal symbol of the linearization of the problem along the trivial branch of solutions.
Perspective from Clinical Research: Ethical Issues in Alzheimer's Disease Research
Jacobo Mintzer
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/1073110518804231
Abstract: This paper attempts to bring to the attention of the readers a concept that broadens ethical considerations for Alzheimer's disease research. We propose we move away from the ethical paradigm that focuses on avoidance of coercion for participation in studies as well as privacy and safety to a more inclusive paradigm that will not only include the principles outlined above but will also guarantee access to new treatments for individuals that participate in research and other members of society. Specifically, if the research being performed results in a new treatment for Alzheimer's disease, would the individuals participating in the research and other members of their community have access to and benefit from these treatments, given the availability of financial and other resources in the society that will allow for the implementation of these treatments. This paper will propose a model that will facilitate the achievement of these broader ethical considerations
Una estimación de una ecuación gravitacional para los flujos bilaterales de manufacturas Mercosur-Unión Europea
Jacobo, Alejandro D.;
Economia Aplicada , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-80502010000100005
Abstract: this paper explores the determinants of mercosur-eu bilateral trade flows for 28 manufacturing sectors. in doing so, a gravity equation is estimated for 16 countries for the period 1991-2004. asexpected, the combined output of trade partners, the distance between them, their population and a number of other control variables seem to explain the bilateral trade flows of manufactures.
Mapa das mortes por violência
Waiselfisz, Julio Jacobo;
Estudos Avan?ados , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-40142007000300009
Abstract: as a continuation of the maps of violence series, the present study focuses on the situation of violent mortality - homicides and firearm-related deaths - in all 5.560 brazilian municipalities, using the sim's (mortality information subsystem of the ministry of health) database. due to possible temporal oscillations of small municipalities, the average of the number of incidents registered from 2002 to 2004 was used as an indicator. the evidences found in the study allowed us to notice that a spatial reconfiguration process of homicidal violence is taking place in the country: some municipalities arose with extremely high violence rates - higher than those of the capitals and metropolitan regions.
Efectividad del autoexamen y del screening en la detección del cáncer de testículo
Cambil Martín,Jacobo;
Index de Enfermería , 2005, DOI: 10.4321/S1132-12962005000100007
Abstract: background. testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in men between the ages of 15 and 35, yet it is one of the more curable cancers. there are two methods to detect testicular cancer, testicular self-examination and screening by an ultra sound scan of the testes. objective. to review the available evidence to explore what method is the best effective for an early detection of testicular cancer.methodology. databases from 1993 till 2003 were searched in english and spanish language, through the aditus and fisterra health knowledge portals. a search strategy was defined for every database. quality assessment of the articles was measured using the hierarchy of evidence table of cooke and sackett. a data abstraction was obtained using the table of beck, hgler and polit. a description of the studies was assessed with the table of crombie. findings. seven studies were included, 5 were written in english, one in spanish and other one in both languages. almost all of the published articles was found in the english databases. five articles reached the b grade and two the d grade of evidence. in general, the assessment of the selected articles was adequate and clear. conclusions. there is no available evidence to know which method is the best effective for an early detection of testicular cancer. however, testicular self-examination and screening are effective methods for an early detection of this cancer.

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